Ideas and advice for those who celebrate parties and love being in company

La vera storia dello Spritz, il re dell'aperitivo e delle feste

The true story of the Spritz, the king of the a...

There is the one based on Aperol, the variant based on Campari, but each region and city has its own version: we are talking about Spritz!

The true story of the Spritz, the king of the a...

There is the one based on Aperol, the variant based on Campari, but each region and city has its own version: we are talking about Spritz!

Barbecue in giardino: ecco il cocktail da abbinare alla carne

Barbecue in the garden: here's the cocktail to ...

Organize a Barbecue in the garden is one of the most fun things to do with the arrival of warm weather, a delightful opportunity to get together with friends and family...

Barbecue in the garden: here's the cocktail to ...

Organize a Barbecue in the garden is one of the most fun things to do with the arrival of warm weather, a delightful opportunity to get together with friends and family...

Cosa non deve mancare a un barbecue? 4 segreti per una grigliata perfetta

What shouldn't be missing from a barbecue? 4 se...

W ith the arrival of the beautiful season, the desire for barbecues and dinners with friends returns: here's what shouldn't be missing from a barbecue with friends!

What shouldn't be missing from a barbecue? 4 se...

W ith the arrival of the beautiful season, the desire for barbecues and dinners with friends returns: here's what shouldn't be missing from a barbecue with friends!

Come fare lo Spritz in casa: il segreto per un drink come al bar

How to make Aperol Spritz at home: the secret t...

Do you want a fresh and thirst-quenching cocktail? Colorful and thirst-quenching, Aperol Spritz is the undisputed king of the Italian aperitif and symbol of happy hour all over the world.

How to make Aperol Spritz at home: the secret t...

Do you want a fresh and thirst-quenching cocktail? Colorful and thirst-quenching, Aperol Spritz is the undisputed king of the Italian aperitif and symbol of happy hour all over the world.

30 idee per feste a tema: stupisci i tuoi amici con un party memorabile

30 themed party ideas: amaze your friends with ...

Choosing a theme for your party is the first step to creating an unforgettable event. In addition to making the party more fun, a well-chosen theme can unite guests and...

30 themed party ideas: amaze your friends with ...

Choosing a theme for your party is the first step to creating an unforgettable event. In addition to making the party more fun, a well-chosen theme can unite guests and...