Ideas and advice for those who celebrate parties and love being in company

Cosa non deve mancare a un barbecue? 4 segreti per una grigliata perfetta

What shouldn't be missing from a barbecue? 4 se...

W ith the arrival of the beautiful season, the desire for barbecues and dinners with friends returns: here's what shouldn't be missing from a barbecue with friends!

What shouldn't be missing from a barbecue? 4 se...

W ith the arrival of the beautiful season, the desire for barbecues and dinners with friends returns: here's what shouldn't be missing from a barbecue with friends!

Come fare lo Spritz in casa: il segreto per un drink come al bar

How to make Aperol Spritz at home: the secret t...

Do you want a fresh and thirst-quenching cocktail? Colorful and thirst-quenching, Aperol Spritz is the undisputed king of the Italian aperitif and symbol of happy hour all over the world.

How to make Aperol Spritz at home: the secret t...

Do you want a fresh and thirst-quenching cocktail? Colorful and thirst-quenching, Aperol Spritz is the undisputed king of the Italian aperitif and symbol of happy hour all over the world.

30 idee per feste a tema: stupisci i tuoi amici con un party memorabile

30 themed party ideas: amaze your friends with ...

Choosing a theme for your party is the first step to creating an unforgettable event. In addition to making the party more fun, a well-chosen theme can unite guests and...

30 themed party ideas: amaze your friends with ...

Choosing a theme for your party is the first step to creating an unforgettable event. In addition to making the party more fun, a well-chosen theme can unite guests and...